
Showing posts from 2019

What the Lobster Knew: Biomimicry + Concrete

What the Lobster Knew: Biomimicry + Concrete : Did you know that the production of cement is responsible for 5% of the carbon dioxide emissions on the planet? Our guest today on Sea Change Radio is geologist, biomineralization expert, and entrepreneur, Brent Constantz. His start-up company, Blue Planet Ltd., hopes to use biomimicry to transform carbon dioxide to a calcium carbonate base that can be used to build, pave and even roof.   Not only would this innovative process reduce the use of fossil-fuels involved in the production of...

Venn infoGRAPHIC

#InfoGraphics Web About Me Infographic: Best Viewed on Tablet or PC Hover over spheres, stay a while, ... Then leap frog to the next sphere, scroll down to learn more. HOVER to LEAP FROG #ClimateChangeResilience Quantification and Reporting of Greenhouse Gas Emissions and Removals Social & Environmental Risk Corporate Social Responsibility Environmental Policy Resource Economics Analytics Documentation Data Science Infographics StoryTelling #SustainableDevelopment Botany Water Quality Catchment Management Mine Rehabilitation Plans Stakeholder Engagement Environmental Policy Resource Economics Analytics Documentation Data Science Infographics StoryTelling #DataScience Excel-VBA SQL Python3 R ArcView GIS MathLab Climate Change Resilience ...

WD4E Review and Preparation Phase


Flower anatomy – the basics

Flower anatomy – the basics Most of the  plants  a natural history illustrator will draw consist of  four basic structural elements: roots, stems, leaves  and  flowers.  As  blooms  are the  reproductive organ  and one of the most important identifying features of flowering plants, it is vital that these are drawn accurately. If it is possible, the best way to understand the anatomical structure of a flower is to  dissect it . You don’t need to be a botanist to perform a dissection, as it is a simple process that requires minimal equipment. If it is a simple flower you can gently pull the floral parts off the receptacle (the solid bit at the base that holds the flower together), working from the outside in, and place the individual components on a plate. This will reveal their number, sequence, arrangement and method of attachment. If the flower has a complex structure it is best to do a vertical section using a sharp craft k...

Drawing plants

Botanical subjects come in a large variety of shapes, textures and sizes and it is important to get a good understanding of each plant's underlying structure before you begin drawing. Whether you're planning to produce a scientifically accurate botanical plate or just a pretty picture, having a clear idea of the underlying structure, identifying features and interconnecting elements of  your chosen subject is a really good idea. Plants can seem overwhelmingly complex or surprisingly simple, and determining where to start your  drawing can be a very daunting experience. It is important that you take particular care in getting the anatomical structure correct, focusing on the arrangement and shape of the leaves and flowers, the placement of the individual elements and the length ratio of these relative to one another. The best path forward is to determine the correct structure before adding any details. Carefully observe and contemplate your spec...

Champignons: Observation & Illustration

13/10/2019: 11h00 Gare de Fontainebleau/Avon « Au Buffet de la Gare » 11h30---> 18h00: Entrée libre AVON, Pavillon de l’Erable Domaine de Bel Ebat Rue du Vieux Ru Renseignements : Tél : 01 60 74 91 30 Matériel nécessaire : crayon de papier et ou crayons de couleur et cahier de design Au cours de ces rencontres vous acquerront des compétences et des techniques essentielles qui forment la base pour créer réplications précises et étonnantes de sujects du monde naturel. *!!!**!!!**!!!**!!!**!!!**!!!**!!!**!!!**!!!**!!!**!!!**!!!**!!!**!!!**!!!**!!!**!!!**!!!**!!!* Le 17e Salon du Champignon de l’ANVL se tiendra les samedi 14, dimanche 15 et lundi 16 octobre, au Pavillon de l’Erable (dans le Parc de Bel Ebat), de 10 h à 18 h. La saison mycologique s’annonce très bonne et l’événement devrait attirer de nombreux visiteurs. L’entrée est gratuite, des spécialistes de l’ANVL accueilleront les visiteurs et pourront donner des conseils sur leurs récoltes. Entre 200 et 4...

Bouleau (Betula pendula, Roth.)

Fontainebleau Sketch Group Meetups Je propose tout public de poursuivre la démarche d'identification et d'observation de espèces végétales qui se trouvent dans la liste de l'ODS, ainsi que saisir leurs données sur le platform. La station d'observation est le massif forestier et ville de Fontainebleau, différents types de zones dont forêt, ville et jardin,  L'atelier se déroulera les 2eme dimanche après-midi de 11h00 à 16h00. Prochain RdV:  Arbres et Arbustes en forêt de Fontainebleau : Balade, Observation & Illustration 10/11/2019: 11h00 Gare de Fontainebleau/Avon « Au Buffet de la Gare » Bouleau  Betula pendula Roth  ► Télécharger la fiche  Type d'évènement : Stage – formation Matériel nécessaire : crayon de papier et ou crayons de couleur et cahier de design PLANNING Inscription, dès octobre 2019 Organisé par : Linda ANGULO LOPEZ Département : Seine et Marne Début du cours : 10 novembre 2019 Durée d...

Fontainebleau Sketch Group Meetups

During these Meetups, you will acquire essential skills and techniques that form the base for creating accurate and stunning replications of the natural world. As I'm a referent for, I can also help you complete these MOOCS, so that you will be certified in Natural History Illustration and Botany !!! The aim is to get you out in the field (not necessarily in Fontainebleau :) and record your observations at Tela-Bontanica: Carnet-en-Ligne .  For those who can participate in the Fontainebleau Sketch Group Meetups we will work through this list of events :D Au cours de ces rencontres vous acquerront des compétences et des techniques essentielles qui forment la base pour créer réplications précises et étonnantes de sujects du monde naturel. Etante référent pour, je peux également vous aider à péparer des MOOCs, afin que vous serez certifié en  Illustration d'histoire naturelle     et     Botanique !!! L'objectif est de vous faire sortir sur le ter...

Original song - rainy days (Bianca Angulo-Lopez)


Data Scientist

The Battle of the Neighborhoods

This blog was submitted for the ‘ Applied Data Science with Python Specialisation ’  an IBM-Coursera MOOC’s Capstone Project requirement, known as ‘The Battle of the Neighborhoods’. The chosen scenario was the following business case , a relocation adviser has to make recommendations to clients who will move to one of the cities  listed in the Economist Intelligence Unit's (EIU’s) Liveability Index . Using the share resources any of the 140 listed cities decision cards' can be reproduced .  The incident of a person who has two job offers, one in Manhattan, New York and another in York, Toronto was tackled here. They are undecided as both cities are very diverse and are the financial capital of their respective countries, both jobs are equally attractive with living expenses being taken care of in both cases.  The client is Parisian and would  like to maintain their lifestyle: - They want to ...

Word Cloud Cluster 3, 'Bercy' Neighbourhood of Reuilly, Paris

Word Cloud Cluster 3, 'Bercy' Neighbourhood of Reuilly, Paris

Word Cloud Cluster 2, 'Picpus' Neighbourhood of Reuilly, Paris


Word Cloud Cluster 1, 'Quinze-Vingts' Neighbourhood of Reuilly, Paris


Word Cloud Cluster 0, 'Bel-Air' Neighbourhood of Reuilly, Paris


Word Cloud All Reuilly, Paris's Neighbourhoods


Flying with Python
