The Battle of the Neighborhoods

This blog was submitted for the ‘ Applied Data Science with Python Specialisation ’ an IBM-Coursera MOOC’s Capstone Project requirement, known as ‘The Battle of the Neighborhoods’. The chosen scenario was the following business case , a relocation adviser has to make recommendations to clients who will move to one of the cities listed in the Economist Intelligence Unit's (EIU’s) Liveability Index . Using the share resources any of the 140 listed cities decision cards' can be reproduced . The incident of a person who has two job offers, one in Manhattan, New York and another in York, Toronto was tackled here. They are undecided as both cities are very diverse and are the financial capital of their respective countries, both jobs are equally attractive with living expenses being taken care of in both cases. The client is Parisian and would like to maintain their lifestyle: - They want to ...