Showing posts from September, 2010
Boletus, Parasol and Chanterelles
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We are going to have a few sunny days after the rainy spell, which is ideal for mushrooms hunting. Autumn is the perfect season for harvesting mushrooms and Ile-de-France forests host many mushrooms. You can find mushrooms in the following forests: • In the Forest of Armainviliers you will find Parasol, Hedgehog and Shaggy Mane mushrooms. • In the Forest of Crecy-la-Chapelle there is are Boletus (Cépes). • At the Forest of Ferrière you will find the Parasol, Hedgehog and Shaggy Mane mushrooms as well as Black Trumpets mushrooms. • In the mixed Deciduous Forest of Fontainebleau, you can find Boletus and Parasol mushrooms and at the Sandy Western part of the Forest, you will find Chanterelles. • In Wood Hautefeuille you will find Porcini (cépes). • At the Forest of Jouy, Porcini and Chanterelle mushrooms are the common. • At the Forest Montceaux you will find Parasol mushrooms and a few Chanterelles. • In Woods of Nanteau, you find a trio of Chanterelles, Porcini an...
Cèpes, Coulemelles et Girolles
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Du soleil après la pluie et c'est parti pour la chasses aux champignons. L'automne est la saison idéale et l'Ile-de-France regorge de forêts et de sous-bois pour une bonne cueillette. En Forêt d'Armainviliers vous y trouverez de coulemelles, pieds-de-mouton et coprins chevelus. En Forêt de Crécy-la-Chapelle Ici, on y trouve principalement et facilement quantité de bolets (cépes). En Forêt de Ferrière il-y-a une terre très favorable aux bolets, coulemelles, pieds-de-mouton et trompettes des morts. En Forêt de Fontainebleau, vous pouvez trouver dans le massif des cèpes et des coulemelles, également des girolles dans la partie ouest de la forêt, nettement plus sableuse. Au Bois d'Hautefeuille Là aussi des bolets principalement En Forêt de Jouy Cèpes et chanterelles sont les grands favoris. En Forêt de Montceaux est le paradis des bolets et coulemelles avec quelques girolles aussi. Au Bois de Nant...
Stop Waste!
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Food and confectionery are intertwined in medicine . According to the product mix, we can obtain drugs and/or candy: candy medications called La'uq, nougat, marzipan, stomachic jam (to aid digestion); tablets ... Sweet treats should be consumed in moderation! In Hippocratic medicine, sugar products were classified as hot and humid (like ginger, saffron, dates, almonds, olives or onion). For the first seasonal food lesson we will prepare quince jelly, jam and paste . The quince ( Cydonia oblonga ) fruit is pear-shaped and bulky. Its’ surface is cottony and at maturity, it is yellow and very fragrant. Quinces are almost always eaten cooked. Quince jam is used to calm gastric troubles and a viscous product made from its core is used as a medicine against coughs. We will use the core to prepare the quince jelly, which is commonly used to treat children’s choughs because it is alcohol free and 100% natural. For the quince jam I will use honey instead of sugar and season the jam with pe...
Sweet and sour quince chutney
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Ingredients 3 quinces 3 onions 50ml white vinegar 90g brown sugar 1 star anise 1 cinnamon stick 1 red pepper Preparation: Peel the quinces and cut into pieces, remove the heart and seeds. Blanch the fruit a few minutes in hot water. Drain. In a saucepan, roast the spices; add the quince, sugar and vinegar. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally until the quinces are melted. Check the plug and put in pots.
Coings confit aigre douce
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Ingrédients : 3 coings 50 cl de vinaigre blanc 90 g de cassonade 1 anise étoilé 1 bâton de cannelle 1 piment rouge Préparation : Pelez et coupez les coings en morceaux, retirez le cœur et les pépins. Faites blanchir le fruit quelques minutes dans de l’eau chaude. Egouttez-les. Dans une casserole, faites rôti les épices, ajoutez les coings, cassonade et vinaigre. Laissez cuire à feu doux en remuant de temps en temps jusqu’à ce que les coings soient fondus. Vérifiez la prise et mettez en pots.
Honey & Quince Jam
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Ingredients: 500g quince 500ml honey 3g peppercorns 250ml water Preparation: Wash the fruit and rub them with a cloth to remove their fluff. Cut the fruit into 4 pieces and remove the core. Dice the fruit, keeping their peels. Weigh the fruit and measure out its’ equivalent weight in honey. Pour the honey into a pot and add a cup of water per kilo of honey. Heat and stir until the liquid is homogenous. Then add the diced quince stirring continuously. Bring to boil again. Take care as honey has a tendency to burn. Continue cooking and stirring until you obtain a jam. Once cooked; season with a few grains of crushed peppercorns. Pack and store in jars.
Confiture de coings au miel
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Ingrédients : 500g coings 500ml miel 3g poivre rose 250ml d’eau Préparation : Lavez les fruits et frottez-les avec un chiffon pour ôter la peluche. Retirez le cœur et les pépins. Coupez-les en 4 morceaux sans les pelez. Pesez-lez et pesez ce même poids en miel. Versez dans une bassine à confitures 1 verre d'eau par kilo de miel. Ajoutez-y le miel et mélangez. La masse doit être homogène. Portez la bassine sur feu doux jusqu'à ce que le miel soit à la nappe. Ajoutez alors les coings coupés en tranches, mélangez avec précaution et portez à nouveau à ébullition. Continuer une cuisson douce et régulière. Le miel a tendance à brûler, il faut tourner souvent, sans casser les fruits. Lorsque la confiture est à point, donnez quelques tours de moulin à poivre-rose. Retirer la bassine du feu, écumer. Mettre en pots.
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Ingredients 500g quince 300ml honey (or 400g white sugar) 30ml lemon juice 1 cinnamon stick 500ml water Preparation: Wash the fruit and rub them with a cloth to remove their fluff. Cut into 4 pieces, remove their core but keep the peel. Heat enough water to boil the quince. Boil for 20-25 minutes or until the fruit is tender. Drain the fruit and blend. Cook the puree into a large saucepan with the cinnamon and sugar, stirring regularly on low heat. This processing can last to up to an hour. When the paste starts to form a ball and is easily detached from the pan the paste is ready. Then season with lemon juice. Roll the dough out, on a baking sheet in a 2cm sheet to allow drying. Dry for 3-4 days.
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Ingrédients : 500g coings 300ml miel (ou 400g sucre blanc) 30ml jus de citron 1 bâton de cannelle 500ml d’eau Préparation : Lavez les fruits et frottez-les avec un chiffon pour ôter la peluche. Retirez le cœur et les pépins. Coupez-les en 4 morceaux sans les pelez. Mettrez l'eau à bouillir. Versez les morceaux de coing et faire bouillir (environ 20-25 minutes) jusqu'à ce que le fruit soit bien tendre. Egouttez-les et passez-les au mixer. Remettrez la purée dans une grande casserole avec la cannelle et le sucre. Faire cuire doucement, remuer régulièrement. La cuisson dure environ une heure, ou jusqu'à ce que la pâte de fruits se détache de la casserole. Ajoutez le jus de citron pour affiner le goût. Etalez la pâte sur une feuille de papier sulfurisé dans une tôle. Ne pas dépasser environ 2cm d'épaisseur pour permettre un bon séchage.
Sweet and Sour Quince Chutney
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Ingredients 500g quinces 30ml white vinegar 150g brown sugar 1 star anise 1 cinnamon stick One red pepper Preparation: Peel the quinces, cut them into quarters and remove the heart and seeds. Dice and blanch the fruit for a few minutes in hot water. Drain. In a saucepan, roast the spices then add the diced blanched quince, sugar and vinegar. Cook over low heat, stirring occasionally until the quinces are mushy. Pack and store in jam jars.
Compote de coings aigre douce
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Ingrédients : 500g coings 30ml de vinaigre blanc 150g de cassonade 1 anise étoilé 1 bâton de cannelle 1 piment rouge Préparation : Pelez et coupez les coings, retirez le cœur et les pépins et coupez-les en petite dés. Faites blanchir le fruit quelques minutes dans de l’eau chaude. Egouttez-les. Dans une casserole, chauffez les épices, ajoutez les coings, cassonade et la vinaigre. Laissez cuire à feu doux en remuant de temps en temps jusqu’à ce que les coings soient fondus. Vérifiez la prise et mettez en pots.
Biological Systems: A holistic View
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Biological Systems:
A Holistic View
In biology, a Biological system is a group of
elements that work together to perform a
certain task. The study of Biological Systems
can not be confined to an enumeration of its
components. As an exhaustive list of all parts
of a steam engine will neither give an impression
of the engine nor explain how a steam engine is
fuelled. A deeper understanding of biological
systems can share and demonstrate how its’
components are assembled and how they
interact with their surrounding environment.
The Earth systems and their interactions with
human activities is the study of a biological
system. The study of the physical, chemical
and biological impacts of humans - from the
local level, at the global community, and global
has raised concerns over the increasing rate of
post-industrial impacts. Écouter Lire phonétiquement Dictionnaire - Afficher le dictionnaire Traduction dans plus de 50 ...
Sustainable Living, 2010/11
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The 2010/11 Sustainable Living workshops will feature two themes, Sustainable Living and Seasonal Food Workshops . At least 15 sessions of each theme will be presented during this season. A partial presentation of each event will be published on this blog. The workshops will be held every Thursday morning from 9h45-11h00, at 19 rue Paul Jozon, Fontainebleau. The tariff is 50, 00€ for 10 lessons and 8€ for a once off attendance. These workshops aim to advance the understanding of sustainability and hope to facilitate the implementation of sustainability in your life. Sustainability is the capacity to endure. In ecology the word describes how biological systems remain diverse and productive over time. With the responsible use of our natural resources we can ensure our long-term wellbeing and that of the earth. If you wish to participate in theses workshops please fell free to contact me at angulo.linda @
I hope you will sign up, participate and share your ex...