
500g quince
300ml honey (or 400g white sugar)
30ml lemon juice
1 cinnamon stick
500ml water

Wash the fruit and rub them with a cloth to remove their fluff. Cut into 4 pieces, remove their core but keep the peel. Heat enough water to boil the quince. Boil for 20-25 minutes or until the fruit is tender. Drain the fruit and blend. Cook the puree into a large saucepan with the cinnamon and sugar, stirring regularly on low heat. This processing can last to up to an hour. When the paste starts to form a ball and is easily detached from the pan the paste is ready. Then season with lemon juice. Roll the dough out, on a baking sheet in a 2cm sheet to allow drying. Dry for 3-4 days.


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