Boletus, Parasol and Chanterelles

We are going to have a few sunny days after the rainy spell, which is ideal for mushrooms hunting. Autumn is the perfect season for harvesting mushrooms and Ile-de-France forests host many mushrooms. You can find mushrooms in the following forests:
• In the Forest of Armainviliers you will find Parasol, Hedgehog and Shaggy Mane mushrooms.
• In the Forest of Crecy-la-Chapelle there is are Boletus (Cépes).
• At the Forest of Ferrière you will find the Parasol, Hedgehog and Shaggy Mane mushrooms as well as Black Trumpets mushrooms.
• In the mixed Deciduous Forest of Fontainebleau, you can find Boletus and Parasol mushrooms and at the Sandy Western part of the Forest, you will find Chanterelles.
• In Wood Hautefeuille you will find Porcini (cépes).
• At the Forest of Jouy, Porcini and Chanterelle mushrooms are the common.
• At the Forest Montceaux you will find Parasol mushrooms and a few Chanterelles.
• In Woods of Nanteau, you find a trio of Chanterelles, Porcini and Parasol mushrooms.
• At the Forest Villefermoy, you will find Cèpes and Hedgehog mushrooms.
After a short introduction to mushrooms you can find in and around Fontainebleau we will go to the Plaine du Fort des Moulins, just a 10 minute walk from my house to collect and identify mushrooms in the field. You should bring a knife to harvest the mushroom, a brush to remove the soil and leaves and course a basket for your mushrooms. See you on Thursday, Linda.
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